How your browser protects your privacy

With the launch of the latest version of Edge, a new browser race has kicked off, and one of its main focuses is privacy. Some browsers boast a wide range of privacy tools, while others provide only some types of protection. The differences could be worth choosing (or dropping) a browser over.

In the following articles, we offer a breakdown, browser by browser, of what kinds of tracking protection each offers, according to the info provided. We tried out each browser and looked at how it handles first-party cookies (which are usually used for things like remembering your login information and what’s in your shopping cart) and third-party cookies (which are often used by advertisers and others to collect information and track your online behavior).

We also tell you how to adjust the settings for each browser to maximize protection against cookies or to eliminate them altogether. (Keep in mind that blocking all cookies can cause some sites to break, which is why we also explain how to adjust your settings to allow certain cookies.)

Of course, there are other factors to consider when judging a browser, including speed, compatibility, and how comfortable you are using it. And you may already have a favorite browser, or need to use the one provided on your work system. But your personal data is important to protect, and if you’re not satisfied with your how browser handles it, you may want to try another. Even if you don’t plan to change browsers soon, it’s not a bad idea to learn how to maximize your privacy as much as you can.


With the launch of the latest version of Edge, a new browser race has kicked off, and one of its main focuses is privacy. Some browsers boast a wide range of privacy tools, while others provide only some types of protection. The differences could be worth choosing (or dropping) a…

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